October Meeting: Annual Open House

Tuesday, October 2nd at 7pm, Cambrian Branch Library, 1780 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose, 95124

Are You Looking for Others Who Share Your Passions…

Living Green. Whole Foods. Organic. Non Toxic Living. Holistic Healing. Nutrition.
Creating Balance. Holistic Education. Stress Reduction. Fighting Consumerism.
Positive Discipline. Attachment Parenting. Breastfeeding. Cloth Diapering. Allergies.

Join us at our Open House and check out what Holistic Moms Network of San Jose is all about! Learn what holistic means, how to easily incorporate holistic living, and the benefits. Come meet our members, have great food (pot luck), and win prizes too! This is a great way to learn more about HMN and the San Jose chapter!

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