November Meeting: Stress Management

Stressed out due to the holidays? Feel overwhelmed? Cant’ seem to get rid of that cold? Want to make sure you’re not sick this winter?

Come join us on Nov 1st, 7pm at the Cambrian Branch Library, 1780 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose for a 3 speaker panel: Chiropractor Jennifer Rozenhart, DC, Ayurvedic Consultant Jennifer Moiles and Certified Classical Homeopath Mary Jo Aloi, CCH, RSHom(NA) to discuss and learning tips, techniques, and exercises in reducing stress.This will be a perfect time to find out more about learning about alternative health options, preventative care, and remedies for illnesses.

This is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about alternative health, to hear how they might improve your health, and to keep you well during the flu and cold season.

A perfect gift for yourself for the holidays!

We hope to see you there!

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