Cafe Artemis: November Moms Night Out

Thank goodness for our Moms Night Outs!

Just so you know, we moms… we enjoy our nights out. To hang out with other like minded women, not have to keep an eye on children, and to relax, enjoy some good company and good food…this is what we wait all month for. At least I do.

This month, particularly, was a bit rough for me. I’m still getting into the swing of Fall, work has been busy, kids crazy, and my household is in chaos. So, it was with gleeful anticipation that I left work on November 10th to head to Cafe Artemis in the Pruneyard, Campbell, CA.

Each month, we will be rating our Restaurant destinations. There is nothing worst than having a night out and ending up at a lousy restaurant. Our hope is that our ratings will help others that have a free night and want to relax and enjoy it!

5 HMN members (scale is up to 5 stars)
Ambiance: 4 stars
Service: 4.5 stars
Food: 4 stars

Some comments:
The restaurant was a bit noisy, but the service was good. We had a last minute person addition and they moved us to a bigger table as soon as one was available (without us having to ask). Appetizers were delicious (try the appetizer sampler -it’s great!). Plus, the menu had a lot of variety, and vegetarian choices.

Overall, we would all go back to Cafe Artemis. It was a fabulous night out. Another HMN Moms Night Out success!

Bon Appetite!

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