May Meeting: Sex, Cries, & the Same Old Mate A Talk about Sex After Baby

Tuesday, May 1st at 7pm, Cambrian Branch Library, 1780 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose, CA 95124

Wondering what happened to the romance? Looking for the old spark in your relationship? Questioning who has time for sookie?

In this discussion, you will be able to talk, laugh, share, and perhaps, problem solve about the realities of being a parent and a loving, romantic partner.

Melissa Fritchle, MA, Holistic Psychotherapist, Sex Therapist, and Gender Specialist will join us in discussing some of the effects of birth, hormones, sleep deprivation, touch over-stimulation, but will also focus on how to keep connected to your partner and your sexuality.

NOTE: Due to the nature of our discussion, our topic may not be suitable for all ears. Though HMN and our chapter welcome all children to our meetings, we will be discussing an intimate subject and do not want to cause any embarrassment and/or issues in any family. Please keep this in mind if bringing a child to this meeting.

HMN San Jose will have a Mother’s Helper available at all of our meetings, to ensure that families are always welcomed to oversee and play with the children. This is an additional service that our chapter provides; however, we encourage those that utilize this service to donate $2-5 per child to thank our Helper for her time. We ask that all children be in good health and have a parent attending the meeting.


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