February Meeting: Homeopathy First Aid

homeopathy with floral

Tuesday, February 5th at 7pm, Cambrian Branch Library, 1780 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose, CA

Are you interested in learning more about natural healing?
Want to learn more about Homeopathy?

Join Holistic Moms Network as Mary Jo Aloi, CCH, presents a short introduction to homeopathy, followed by a discussion on using homeopathic remedies in the most common first aid situations.  Explore what homeopathic first aid kits are available and how you might want to personalize them for yourself and your family.

Mary Jo Aloi, CCH, is certified as a classical homeo­path by the Council for Homeo­pathic Certi­fi­ca­tion and is a re­gis­ter­ed mem­ber of  The Society of Homeo­paths, North America. She holds practitioner diplomas from The School of Homeo­pathy, Devon and from  The Dynamis School for Advanced Homeo­pathic Studies. She is focused on constitutional homeopathic care, working with people to reduce their overall level of susceptibility and increase their health over the long term through her extensive training and committed competent care.

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